- by
- 1997
Ask the Nuwaubians
does York get on other for plagiarism?
Yes, Malachi York has said on many occasions that the Bible
and the Koran were plagiarized from the text of older civilizations such as the
Sumerian and Kemetians ( ancient Egypt )
Ask the Nuwaubians
does York plagiarize?
They will say no but he actually does. He takes information from
other people and flips it around so that it can be more appealing to "black people"
Here’s an example.
In a book authored by Malachi York
entitled, "The Book of Urim and Thummim of The High Priest A.M.O.M," York claims to be the only person to reveal the
secret arts of rune casting to the contemporary world, york writes, "...few were they who held the secrets and now the moment
has arrived when with great joy I give the secrets to you, oh children of The Ancient Mystic Order of Melchizedek(A.M.O.M)."
pg. 36
York is telling a lie, he copied all his so-called reptilian secrets
from a little brown book called, "The Book of Runes" by Ralph Blum, published in 1982-ISBN# 0-312-08999-6. In his "Urim and
Thummim" scroll, York replaced Blum's 24 Germanic Futhark glyphs and its interpretations, with his own 24 Nuwaubic glphs.
York did not take the time to paraphrase Blum's commentary on each runic glyph; York, instead, copied Blum's interpertations
word for word. York also had the nerve to claim Blum's mystical experiences as his own.
Let's take a look at York's trickery
- York
- "when i began to work with the stones, i had never seen a runic text, so
i did not realize that i was receiving the original stones, and that there existed a sequence of freyr, hagal and tyr...."
Urim&Thummim pg. 39
- Blum
- "when i began to work with the runes, i had never seen a runic text, so i did
not realize that i was breaking away from the tradition sequence of freyr, hagal, and tyr..." Book of Runes pg. 23
- York
- "the stones i worked with had come to me in a dream state from zodok solomon
and his aid abiathar...i only felt the urge to write on small pieces of paper then card board. along with the stones zodok
solomon showed me two tablets of light...each tablet bore a symbol that i had to translate and for which i had to give a brief
interpretation...some tablets only had an upright and some had both upright and reversed symbols..." Urim&Thummim pg.
- Blum
- "the rune stones i was working with had to me in England. the brown rectangles
hardly bigger than my thumbnail, with glyphs scratched into the surfaces...along with this set of runes came two xeroxed sheets
giving the glyphs, their approximate English meaning and brief interpretations for each rune when 'upright' or 'reversed'"
Book of Runes pg. 24 "
- Now compare and contrast Blum's mystical experiences with the Runes to York's
alleged experiences with the Stones.
- York's plagiarism is as clear as a quartz crystal.
- York
- "I moved to my desk and started to write. The stones had begun their teachings.
A new yet old language was coming to me "nuwaubic." It began with the first letter. I worked through the shadow hour, taking
each stone in my hand, just sitting with it, meditating on it, copying down what came to me. Now and then, when the flow dwindled,
I turned to the scriputure's and asked for a sign that would reveal the essence of a particular stone. The spirit of some
of those readings is incorporated into the interpretations of the stones. By the time i had completed the interpretation of
the Blank Stone, THE GREAT AMUN RA, THE SUN had appeared...." Urim&Thummim pg. 42
- Blum
- "I worked on through the night, taking each Rune in my hand, just sitting with
it, meditating on it, copying down what came to me. Now and then, when the flow dwindled, I turned to I-Ching and asked for
a hexagram that reveal the essence of a particular Rune. The spirit of some of those readings is incorporated into the interpretations
of the Viking Runes. By the time i had completed the interpretation of the Blank Rune, the sun was rising." Book of Runes
pg. 26
- York
- "Before beginning to write this book, I consulted the stones to ensure that it
was indeed an opportune time. I drew three stones and got: 1. Batul: The Stone of Hero 2. Ka'wub: The Stone of Difficulty
3. Najuh: The Stone of Breakthrough, Successful outcome. This book was conceived in one fruitful yet sleepless shadow hour
(night). The constraint required during the long hours spent editing and reworking the first half of the book was certainly
not without pain . Yet through it all, I remained mindful of saying: 'Pain is the price one pays upon entering into apprenticeship.'"
Urim&Thummim pg. 37-38
- Blum
- "Before beginning to write, I consulted the Runes about the timeliness of the
undertaking. I drew three Runes and got Inguz, the Rune of Fertility and New beginnings; Nauthiz, the Rune of Necessity, Constraint
and pain; and Dagaz, the Rune of Breakthrough and Transformation. The Book of Runes was conceived in one fertile sleepless
night. The constraint required during the long hours spent editing and reworking the first half of the book was certainly
not without pain. Yet through it all , I remained mindful of the French saying, "Pain is the craft entering into the apprentice."
Book of Runes pg. 13
for 30 years he's gotten away with projecting false spiritual and physical
images of himself to deceive people