Allah taught me that the present percentage of dissatisfaction is 98 per cent near, 100 per
cent, with the present ruling powers. This 100 per cent dissatisfied will bring about a 100 per cent change. Yakub did
not bring about a 100 per cent change, but near (90 per cent). Allah said: When Yakub was six years old, one day, he
was sitting down playing with two pieces of steel. He noticed the magnetic power in the steel attracting the other.
He looked up at his uncle and said: Uncle, when I get to be an old man, I am going to make a people who shall rule you.
The uncle said: What will you make; something to make mischief and cause bloodshed in the land? Yakub said: Nevertheless,
Uncle, I know that which you do not know.
And, it was at that moment, the boy Yakub, first came into the knowledge of
just who he was -- born to make trouble, break peace, kill and destroy his own people with a made enemy to the black nation.
He learned his future from playing with steel. It is steel and more steel that this made race (the white race),
are still playing with. Steel has become the most useful of all metal for the people. What he really saw in playing with the
two pieces of steel was the magnetic power of attraction.
The one attracting and drawing the other under its power.
In this, he saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule
the original black man -- until that nation could produce one greater and capable of overcoming and making manifest
his race of tricks and lies, with a nation of truth.
Yakub was the founder of unlike attracts and like repels, though
Mr. Yakub was a member of the black nation. He began school at the age of four. He had an unusual sized head. When he
had grown up, the others referred to him as the Big head scientist.
At the age of 18 he had finished all of the
colleges and universities of his nation, and was seen preaching on the streets of Mecca, making converts. He made such
impressions on the people, that many began following him.
He learned from studying the germ of the black man, under
the microscope, that there were two people in him, and that one was black, the other brown.
He said if he could
successfully separate the one from the other he could graft the brown germ into its last stage, which would be white. With
his wisdom, he could make the white, which he discovered was the weaker of the black germ (which would be unalike) rule
the black nation for a time (until a greater one than Yakub was born).
This new idea put him to work finding the
necessary converts to begin grafting his new race of people. He began by teaching Islam, with promises of luxury to
those who would believe and follow him.
As Mr. Yakub continued to preach for converts, he told his people that he would
make the others work for them. (This promise came to pass). Naturally, there are always some people around who would like
to have others do their work. Those are the ones who feel for Mr. Yakub's teaching, 100 per cent.
As he made
converts in and around the Holy City of Mecca, persecutions set in. The authorities became afraid of such powerful teachings,
with promises of luxury and making slaves of others. As they began making arrests of those who believed the teaching,
the officers would go back and find, to their surprise, others still teaching and believing it.
Finally they arrested
Mr. Yakub. But, it only increased the teachings. They kept persecuting and arresting Yakub's followers until they filled
all the jails.
The officers finally reported to the King that there was no room to put a prisoner in -- if arrested.
All the jails are filled; and, when we go out into the streets, we find them still teaching. What shall we do with them?
The King questioned the officers on just what the teachings were; and of the name of the leader.
The officers
gave the King the answers to everything. The King said: This is not the name of that man. On entering the prison, the King
was shown Yakub's cell. Wa-Alaikum. The King said: So you are Mr. Yakub? He said: Yes, I am. The King said: Yakub, I
have come to see if we could work out some agreement that would bring about an end to this trouble. What would you suggest?
Mr. Yakub told the King: If you give me and my followers everything to start civilization as you have, and furnish
us with money and other necessities of life for twenty years, I will take my followers and we will go from you.
King was pleased with the suggestion or condition made by Yakub, and agreed to take care of them for twenty years, until
Yakub's followers were able to go for themselves.
After learning who Mr. Yakub was, they all were afraid of him,
and were glad to make almost any agreement with him and his followers.
This history or future of Mr. Yakub and
his people was in the Nation's Book, by the writers (23 Scientists) of our history, 84,000 years before his birth. So,
the Government began to make preparation for the exiling of Mr. Yakub and his followers. The King ordered everyone rounded
up who was a believer in Mr. Yakub. They took them to the seaport and loaded them on ships.
After rounding them
all up into ships, they numbered 59,999. Yakub made 60,000. Their ships sailed out to an Isle in the Aegean Sea called
Pelan (Bible Patmos). After they were loaded into the ships, Mr. Yakub examined each of them to see if they were 100
per cent with him; and to see if they were all healthy and productive people. If not, he would throw them off. Some
were found to be unfit and overboard they went.
When they arrived at the Isle, Mr. Yakub said to them: See how they
(the Holy people) have cast us out. Now -- if you will choose me to be your King, I will teach you how to go back and
rule them all.
Of course, they had already chosen Yakub to be their King at the very start. So, Yakub chose doctors,
ministers, nurses and a cremator for his top laborers. He called these laborers together and told them his plan for making
a new people, who would rule for 6,000 years.
He called the doctor first and said: Doctor, let all the people come
to you who want to marry; and if there come to you two real black ones, take a needle and get a little of their blood
and go into your room and pretend to be examining it, to see whether their blood would mix. Then, come and tell them
that they will each have to find another mate, because their blood does not mix. (It was the aim of Yakub to get rid of
the black and he did.) Give them a certificate to take to the minister, warning the minister against marrying the couple
because their blood does not mix. When there comes to you two browner ones, take a pretended blood test of them; but, give them
a certificate saying that they are eligible to marry.
Mr. Yakub's charge to his laborers was very strict -- death
if one disobeyed. They didn't know what Yakub had in mind until they were given their labor to do. He made his laborers,
from the chief to the least, liars. The doctor lied about the blood of the two black people who wanted to marry, that
it did not mix.
The brown and black could not be married (brown only). The doctors of today hold the same position
over the people. You go to them to get a blood test to see if you are fit to be married.
Today, they say it is
done to see if there are any contagious germs in the blood. I wish that they would enforce such a law today (keep the white from
mixing with black -- just the opposite). Perhaps we could remain black and not be disgraced by a mixture of all colors.
In the days of Yakub's grafting of the present white race, a new and unalike race among the black nation for 600
years, his law was -- that they should not allow the birth of a black baby in their family, but the white (devil) should
mix their blood with the black nation, in order to help destroy black; but, they should not allow the black to mix with
their blood.
His aim was to kill and destroy the black nation. He ordered the nurses to kill all black babies that
were born among his people, by pricking the brains with a sharp needle as soon as the black child's head is out of the mother.
If the mother is alert (watching the nurse), then the nurse would lie and fool the mother to get possession of
child to murder it, by saying that she (mother) gave birth to an Angel child. And that she (the nurse) would like to
take the baby to heaven, so when the mother dies, she would have a room with her child in heaven, for her baby was an angel.
This is the beginning of the first lie or liar; and, it was so that the nurse would take the black baby away on
this falsehood and claim that they were taking the poor black baby to heaven. As Yakub had taught them, they would feed
it to wild beasts and if they did not a wild beast to feed the black babies to, Yakub told the nurses to give it to the
cremator to burn.
Mr. Yakub warned the laborers, from the doctor down to this cremator, that if anyone of them
failed to carry out his orders, off go their heads.
When there was a birth of a brown baby, the nurse would come and
make much ado over it, and, would tell the mother that she had given birth to a holy child and that she would nurse
it for the next six weeks, for her child was going to be a great man (that is when it was a boy baby).
After the
first 200 years, Mr. Yakub had done away with the black babies, and all were brown. After another 200 years, he had all
yellow or red, which was 400 years after being on Pelan. Another 200 years, which brings us to the six hundredth year,
Mr. Yakub had an all-pale white race of people on this Isle.
Of course, Mr. Yakub lived but 150 years; but, his ideas continued in practice. He
gave his people guidance in the form of literature. What they should do and how to do it (how to rule the black nation).
He said to them: When you become unalike (white), you may return to the Holy Land and people, from whom you were exiled.
The Yakub made devils were really pale white, with really blue eyes; which we think are the ugliest of colors for
a human eye. They were called Caucasian -- which means, according to some of the Arab scholars, One whose evil effect
is not confined to one''s self alone, but affects others.
There was no good taught to them while on the Island. By
teaching the nurses to kill the black baby and save the brown baby, so as to graft the white out of it; by lying to
the black mother of the baby, this lie was born into the very nature of the white baby; and, murder for the black people also
born in them -- or made by nature a liar and murderer.
The black nation is only fooling themselves to take the Caucasian
race otherwise. This is what Jesus learned to their history, before He gave up His work of trying to convert the mews
or white race to the religion of Islam.
And, the same knowledge of them was given to Muhammad by the Imams (or
scientists) of Mecca. That is why the war of the Muslims against them came to a stop.
Muhammad was told that he
could not reform the devils and that the race had 1,400 more years to live; the only way to make righteous people (Muslims)
out of them was to graft them back into the black nation.
This grieved Muhammad so much that it caused him heart trouble
until his death (age sixty-two and one half years). The old scientists used to laugh at Muhammad for thinking that he
could convert them (the devils) to Islam. This hurt his heart.
Mr. Yakub taught his made devils on Pelan: That
-- when you go back to the holy black nation, rent a room in their homes. Teach your wives to go out the next morning
around the neighbors of the people, and tell that you heard her talking about them last night.
When you have gotten
them fighting and killing each other, then ask them to let you help settle their disputes, and restore peace among them.
If they agree, then you will be able to rule them both. This method the white race practices on the black nation, the
world over. They upset their peace by putting one against the other, and then rule them after dividing them.
is the reason why the American so-called Negroes can never agree on unity among themselves, which would put them on top
overnight. The devils keep them divided by paid informers from among themselves. They keep such fools among us. But,
the real truth of the devils sometimes converts the informers and brings them over to us as true believers. We don't
bother about killing them, as I am not teaching that which I want to be kept as a secret, but that which the world has
not known and should know.
After Yakub's devils were among the Holy people of Islam (the black nation) for six
months, they had our people at war with each other. The holy people were unable to understand, just why they could not
get along in peace with each other, until they took the matter to the King.
The King told the holy people of the
black nation that the trouble they were having was caused by the white devils in their midst, and that there would be
no peace among them until they drove these white made devils from among them.
The holy people prepared to drive
the devils out from among them. The King said: Gather every one of the devils up and strip them of our costume. Put
an apron on them to hide their nakedness. Take all literature from them and take them by way of the desert. Send a caravan,
armed with rifles, to keep the devils going westward. Don't allow one of them to turn back; and, if they are lucky enough
to get across the Arabian Desert, let them go into the hills of West Asia, the place they now call Europe.
made devils were driven out of Paradise, into the hills of West Asia (Europe), and stripped of everything but the language.
They walked across that hot, sandy desert, into the land where long years of both trouble and joy awaited them; but
-- they finally made it. (Not all: many died in the desert.)
Once there, they were roped in, to keep them out of
Paradise. To make sure, the Muslims, who lived along the borders of East and West Asia, were ordered to patrol the border
to keep Yakub's devils in West Asia (now called Europe), so that the original nation of black man could live in peace;
and the devils could be alone to themselves, to do as they pleased, as long as they didn't try crossing the East border.
The soldiers patrolled the border armed with swords, to prevent the devils from crossing. This went on for 2,000
years. After that time, Musa (Moses) was born: the man whom Allah would send to these exiled devils to bring them again
into the light of civilization. Before we take up this first 2,000 years of the devils exiled on our planet, let us not
lose sight of what and how they were made, and of the god who made them, Mr. Yakub.
Since we have learned that
Mr. Yakub was an original man (black) the ignorant of our people may say: If Yakub was a black man and the father of
the devils, then he was a devil. That is like one saying The horse is as much a mule as the mule.
Or, that an orange
or lemon is as much grapefruit as the grapefruit: because the grapefruit is grafted from the orange and lemon. They are
not alike because the grafted is no longer original.
Just what have we learned, or rather are learning from this
divine revelation of our enemies, the devils? Answer: We are learning the truth, which has been kept a secret for 6,000
years concerning the white race, who have deceived us. We learn what is meant by the Bible's symbolic teachings: that
they were made from dust.
This only tends to convey the idea that they were created from nothing; which means the
low and humble origin of such creation.
Again, we learn who the Bible (Genesis 1:16) is referring to in the saying: Let
us make man. This US was fifty-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine (59,999) black men and women; making or grafting
them into the likeness or image of the original man.
Now that they are the same, but have the ways of a human being
they are referred to as mankind -- not the real original man, but a being made like the original in the sense of human
The Holy Qur-an throws a great light on the truth of the creation of this pale, white race of devils. O
mankind, surely we have created you from a male and a female (Chap. 49:15). This makes it very easy to understand to whom
it is referring. What mankind? Surely we created man from sperm mixed (with ovum) to try him, so we have made him hearing
and seeing (Chap. 76:2).
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